Monday, July 18, 2011

Total Defeat!

I have been doing an awesome job at keeping the twins at the breast, but the last week has been extremely difficult. I have been keeping them on the boob for 40-50 minutes at a time, and when they are done nursing they are still rooting around and cry as if they are still hungry. I really want my babies to be fed breast milk only, but I am quickly learning that I am not going to be able to do that. There are supplements that I can take that will increase my milk supply, but the ones I have tried so far taste awful!!!! And the other one, that my physician recommended, apparently causes breast cancer in lab rats (according to the disclaimer on the website) so I am not going to take that any more. I will take donor milk, but am leery of taking milk from people that I don't know due to the possibility of the transmission of diseases. I began giving the boys 4 ounces of formula a day, after breastfeeding them, and the extra 4 ounces seems to be the right amount. I make lots of milk, it just doesn't seem to be enough now......


  1. Great job Jenny! You have been going like a rockstar!You just have 2 very hungry boys! Us mamas just do what's best for our kids and sounds like you are doing just that. Keep up the good work!

  2. I saw this statement" An increase in mammary neoplasms has been found in rodents after chronic administration of domperidone and other prolactin-stimulating medicines."

    If you are not comfortable with short term use (not chronic) and the theoretical risks, I hope you can find donor milk.

    The use of formula is associated with real known increased (not just theoretical) in all sorts of illness including childhood cancers.

    You are doing an awesome job. Feeding boys never seems to end.
