Friday, January 20, 2012

The Avalon Affect---Chakra Alignment???? I think so.....

If you have been reading my blog, you know that I am a mother of 3 children (a 2yo girl, and twin 9 mo boys), I work at the high school in town as one of the ESE Program Specialist's there, I am a grad student at Florida State AND this semester I started clinicals, SO in addition to all that I do I am now a graduate student clinician 2 days a week AFTER work. I am BUSY BUSY BUSY and TIRE TIRED TIRED! So Basically, with this being said, I am not, will not, can not----- even possibly drum up an ounce of time to do anything that isn't going to benefit me or my family in anyway......You follow me I am sure. BUT wait!!! Today I absolutely made an exception for the sake of your health.....keep reading..... My friend, who we call "Marco" has been talking about these "light things" a.k.a. the Avalon Effect for a few months......and I am not into anything like this so while he has been talking about it I have been like "yeah yeah yeah yeah...." you know the type right?? Well yesterday I went to the dentist (Dr. Schwerer---who is FANTASTIC by the way) and I had a couple fillings replaced. Well while Dr. Schwerer was fixing my fillings he mentioned that the one looked pretty deep and may require a root canal---not excited at this point! So when I left I was instructed to take some Advil because the work that was done was more extensive than we all originally thought and he thought that I may be sore after my Novocain wore off. Well my mouth is pretty sore today, and I didn't eat last night, because my mouth was numb and I seriously looked like a stroke patient who was suffering from paralysis on the left side of my mouth so there was no chewing going on here...haha! Ok getting to the point....all day today I am sore again and I really don't want to call Dr. Schwerer up and ask him to do a root canal yet....haha...its been a day...seriously! I am not that big of a I...never mind don't answer that....haha. So Marco stops into Brad's office, where I go everyday after work to switch cars and to remind Brad how exhausted I am, and he asked me how everything was going and I told him of my throbbing mouth and I asked him about those "light things", Marco says "well I have them in the car, do you have 30 minutes? If so then I will hook you up to them and lets see if we can alleviate some of that discomfort". As I am "drinking" my lunch---remember I am not eating because its looking like a root canal is in my near future---- I of course say YES!!! Which is the whole reason behind me making time to blog tonight..

Seriously, I am STOKED about these lights so much that I have talked to Marco 3 times tonight about them and have sweet talked my way into borrowing one of his sets to use again tomorrow. Here is what I noticed right away---at least a 50% reduction in my tooth discomfort, I feel like I just drank a "large iced coffee, with cream and sugar" from Dunkin Donuts---basically I have a crap load of energy which NEVER EVER EVER happens for me because I burn the candle at both ends every single day, AND I am always cold, and today my hands and feet are the same (or at least feel the same) temperature as every other part of my body. I noticed these 3 things from just 30 minutes and I really feel like my Chakras have been realigned.... I am all about this light therapy now. I want to buy one BAD!!!!!! SO, if you have read my blog this far down you are probably asking yourself some questions about this amazing light therapy. When I talked to Marco--the last time tonight--he told me that there is a meeting coming up on February 11th that anyone can come to, and he said that everyone that comes gets a free treatment with the lights. I am going for sure. I already told him that. You can come too, bring a friend or 5, and lets all learn more about this. I do not know how much they cost exactly because there are different packages, so it just depends on what you want to get. There is financing available for those with credit. This is seriously going to be the next big thing....I swear. I am not into promoting products AT ALL, and here I am so excited to share this with people that I am freaking blogging about it....what a nut case I am. Love it though. Anyways, if anyone is interested in getting in on some of this jazz tomorrow I will have the lights at my house and I would be happy to have you over to try is worth it. Takes 30 minutes....if you are interested message me, text me, call me....whatever! If you can't stop by tomorrow, come to the meeting on February 11th. Its at the Hampton Inns and Suites in Stuart. 1150 NW Federal Highway (its north of the Roosevelt Bridge about a 1/4 mile). Call 772-519-1555 to talk to Marc, tell him Jenny told you about the lights and ask ask ask your questions, set up a meeting with Marc and get in on the lights....

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